

Monday 21 November 2016

7wb3 LRC P4 Monday 21st November.

LO Develop sequencing skills using online programs

Starter: The Human Robot.  The Teacher will give a pupil robot instructions to move around the room?  Why was right or wrong about these instructions?  When did things go wrong?  What does this mean when we are programming computers or giving computers instructions?

Now practice giving each other instructions using commands such as:

Forward 10
Right 90 (degrees)
Forward 4
Backward 2 etc...

Development 1

1. Watch the video on lightbot - https://lightbot.com/hocflash.html

2. Write a flow diagram  using https://www.draw.io/  (as you did last lesson, sigh up with google drive remember), which gives the Lightbot simple instructions to get to the final square and light up the blue square.

Remember your flowchart symbols - http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/design/systemscontrol/workingwithsystemsrev2.shtml

Development 2

Continue with playing Lightbot using the most efficient programming that you can (ie the least number of instructions to light up the blue square).

Finally - Evidence your Progress 

Go to classroom.google.com  - complete the first lesson of the Algorithms Evidence Document

Moving on: Does your programming work? Is it efficient? Could it be better?

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