

Wednesday 3 February 2016

7xc1 Importing and Selection Challenge !

 LO - import characters and set up your game, in order that it's fit for purpose and appropriate for audience

Challenge 1: Importing and Programming

a)  Can you import your two characters into your Scratch - a hero and villain
b) Can you add a suitable backdrop?  
c) Can you add aad script to your main character (hero) to so that the character will always follow the mouse

If you need help with any of this - click here! But only if you're really stuck! 

Challenge 2: Selection on your Baddy ! 

Watch this video..... it explains Selection - in Scratch IF, THEN, ELSE

Click the image to watch an introduction to 'selection' and 'if'

a)  Can you add script to your baddy or villain that programms him or her to do the following?

When the game is activated, he/she turns 15 degress
Moves 1o steps
If he/she touches the edge then he/she bounces off
He or she does all of the above until you programme him or her to do something else. 

Test to see if it works... 

If you need help with any of this - click here! But only if you're really stuck! 

 Challenge 3 : If Else  - GOODY

Click here to read and learn about If Else

b) Edit the code blocks of your main character sprite to include an 'If Else' statement which does the following: 

When the game is started...
If the mouse button is held down, your hero/goody follows your mouse pointer
Else (if it isn't)  then the game speaks to you go say 'Hold Down the Left Mouse Button to Start for 3 secons)
This happens forever until you programme it to do something else..

If you need help with any of this - click here! But only if you're really stuck! 


CLICK HERE  - to download your evidence document... 

b) Save in your SITES > ICT > Unit 1 folder
c) Complete the Lesson 1 section of the document by adding print screens 

Extension - Deeper Learning:

1)   Try experimenting with the degrees and steps on your goody OR edit the script again on your goody so that your Sprite appears at certain coordinates in your game, rather 

Extension:   Practice your Scratch skills at home - variable for example, by using this

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