

Sunday 4 December 2016

7wb CP3 End of Unit Evaluation

Homestudy. Complete homeworks 1.06, 1.07 for Thursday 15th December, on classroom.google.com LO Evaluate computation and abstraction knowledge using evidence document

With the number that you are given - discuss how you might answer the question:
  1. Explain briefly what you have done in your lessons so far
  2. Explain the importance of putting sequences of instructions in the correct order
  3. What could go wrong if instructions are in the wrong order – think about real-life situations
  4. Did you have any difficulties when using LightBot and Logo? If so, what were they? If not, what did you easy?
  5. How did you overcome the difficulties you faced?
  6. Did you get any feedback from your teacher or peers in lesson? How did you use it to make improvements?
  7. What advice would you give to a younger student on how to play or complete LightBot and Logo?
 Teach:  Modelling. Using the examples that we live model on the board, how can we use literacy skills to develop our answer. Apply: Now apply your new knowledge and write your own evaluations on your google classroom evidence document: Assess: Swap with a partner and peer assess. Are answers developed?  Is SPAG correct?  Finally .....  When Miss is happy that you have fully explained your answers, and they have been peer checked, press HAND IN on your google form.  Then have a go at this in small groups and discuss what you're doing and why!  https://blockly-games.appspot.com/maze    

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