

Tuesday 1 November 2016

8xdcp4 Phtyhon Lesson 1 Weds 2nd Nov

To be able to understand and use basic Python Syntax

Starter: Find or discuss definitions for "Python" and "Syntax"
Why should we learn to code?

Open up www.repl.it and create an account using your Wildern school email and password. 

Follow the teacher's instructions, discussing what the code means and should do. 

Link to Teacher's Slides

Development - now you have a basic understanding. What might we be asking the programming to do?  

print ("hello world")

name = input ("What is your name?")
happy = input ("Hello " + name + " are you feeling happy today?")

if happy == "yes":
print("That's good, I'm so glad you're happy!")
elif happy == "no":
print("Oh no, poor you, I'm sorry to hear that!")
print("Please don't talk goggledygook!")

Deeper Learning - 
Once you have the above programming to work. Add to your program so you can have a conversation with the computer (stick to yes and no answers for now!)

Create an account at www.codecademy.com  (use your Wildern email account)
Complete the first Python course called ‘Python Syntax’

Moving on... review our Learning Objective. What can you do now that you couldn't do at the beginning of the lesson?  What do you now understand? What questions do you still have?