

Monday 6 June 2016

Kodu Lesson 2 - Paths, Programming and Shooting!

LO - Understand how to add different types of paths to a world and use these to control enemies within a game

Good: Walls and roads added to the world to make it look more realistic
Better: Use a plain path to control an enemy or other character
Best: World setting tweaked to improve the overall experience

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Kodu Challenge 1

Create a basic world in Kodu, which has a few trees and objects.   5-7 mins.  Save it, give it a sensible name.

Kodu Challenge 2

Add walls and roads to your world. Save it again. 5-7 minutes

Kodu Challenge 3

Add an invisible path (which will be later used for controlling a character). Save your game.

Kodu Challenge 4

Add an enemy character to this invisible path, programme the character to follow the path automatically and set a speed of your choice.  Save your game.

Kodu Challenge 5

Add another path to your game character to your game, add a character who will be your main player. Programme this main character to follow the path using the arrow keys. Save your game.

Kodu Challenge 6

Programme the ‘enemy’ character to shoot at the main character as he moves along the path.  Frequency is your choice.  Save your game.

 Extension Challenge

Experiment with World Settings and changing variables. Save your game. 

Racing Game. Can you make something that works a little like this.... ?   

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