

Wednesday 25 June 2014

7x1 Guess the Learning Objective

Guess the Learning Objective


Look at these annotations?  2 stars and a wish.  Think about content as well as layout?  What is discussed here?

Main 1

Now load your evidence /annotations for Flowol.  
AFL - using one of ours - how can we improve them?
Swap with a partner - offer suggestions for improvements, plus the positives of course.

Main 2

Now go back over yours, edit or add to your evaluations. 
Stop and assess again
 Can you guess at this stage what our Learning Objective is and how we know we will have met it?

Main 3 

Try one of the other more complex mimics - work with someone else to see if you can work it out. Make sure you save it in the relevant folder. 
Taking what we have learnt about effective evidence and annotations - you can now provide me with some quality evidence and explanation of your progress.

Annotate the development of this new mimic - and your testing of it. What improvements have you made (Level 6/7 stuff)
Can you use a sub-systems?

Homework - Design your own Robot - Deadline - 14th July

(For this Monday 30th come with some ideas that we can discuss in class)

Design a robot for a particular purpose.  You will need to be independent enquirers and find out about lots of different robots and then design a robot of your choice.  

1) Research - what is a robot?  where do we use robots in every day life? what are the benefits and drawbacks of robots as part of our society?
2) Planning - You must clearly define its purpose, target market and key features. 
3) Produce a flow chart using the symbols we have learnt to chart one of the robots jobs.  
4 Draw your robot - hand draw or on the computer
5) Evaluate you robot - ask someone to feedback to you about your designs and it's purpose.  Would this robot be useful in real life? Who would it help? What would be the draw backs?  

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